Pjs Regent Donggala and Parimo Keep ASN Neutrality

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- GOVERNOR Longki Djanggola on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs confirmed Muhammad Muhlis as a temporary officer (pjs) of the Regent of Donggala based on Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 131.72-256, and Mohamad Nadir as the Regent of Parimo with the decree number 131.72-254. The inauguration took place at Pogombo Building Governor Office, Wednesday, (14/2/2018).
The inauguration of these two officials was due to replace the Regent of Kasman Lassa and Samsurizal Tombolututu who were on sabbatical due to progress in the elections of Donggala and Parimo 2018. Regent of temporary leave from 15 February to 23 June 2018.
Governor Longki in his speech asked both to give a good example to the people of Central Sulawesi, especially the people in Donggala and Parimo districts.


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