ASN Attends The Campaign

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KAILIPOST.COM,- PARMOUT- IN FACT,  State Civil Apparatus (ASN) may attend candidate campaign during Parigi Moutong (Parmout) Regional Election. Thus expressed by Chairman Parmout Election Supervisory Committee, Muhlis Aswad to a number of journalists in his office (28/02/2018).

Muhlis said, for ASN who want to attend the campaign there are rules that should not be violated such as using the attributes of one of the Candidate Pairs (Paslon) and must be away from the location of the campaign. Not only that, ASN is also not allowed to show body movements that describe in favor of one of candidate pair.

In fact, ASN is also not allowed to be in a crowded place of running a campaign, being around a stage or sitting side by side with one of candidate pairs. “In fact, using one of the candidate’s symbols is not allowed, as well as campaigning for significant candidate pair, ASN can be present in the campaign, but just monitoring or listening to vision and missions and programs offered by candidate pair itself.” he explained.

According to Muhlis, the important thing to be understood by an ASN while attending the campaign, its presence is only passive. This means that he said, there is no use of attributes or showing body reactions that indicate his support for one of the candidate pairs.

“In essence, in the election event, there are many rules that regulate ASN, if it violates, it has to be given sanction to ASN, that is clear and it can not be tolerated,” he said.**

Reporter/Parmout: Roy l. Mardani

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