Bimtek Impact of KKP

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Citizen Journalism : Malo
KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- AS MANY as eight supervisors and principals represent Central Sulawesi, following the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) of District Facilitator Candidate (Fasda) of PPK Impact Assembly Program (Strengthening of Character Education), 3 to 7 April 2018, in Jakarta.
“Bimtek is followed so that the candidates can prepare themselves to become facilitators and KKP agents who will train and deliver all the materials intact to other schools,” said Ahmad Loan, Principal envoy from Donggala District, Saturday (7/4/2018).
The purpose of the KKP program in general is to instill the values of the nation’s character building massively and effectively through the implementation of the main values of the National Movement of Mental Reform.
“Activity pengimbasan in each area will be held in August 2018,” said Ahmad, the Head of SMPN 2 Rio Pakava. The bimtek activities carried out by Kemendikbud Dirjen GTK, followed by school supervisors and principals from Donggala, Palu, Sigi and Banggai, as well as participants from other regions in Indonesia.**

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