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Reporter: Yohanes clemens
TADULAKO University throughout the past two years has made some achievements.
The last achievement received was Untad became one of the universities was
given the largest number of new student admissions in Indonesia by the Higher
Education. The campus infrastructure of the pride of the people of Central
Sulawesi also continues to be addressed. The colleges, public spaces, until the
opening of a hospital in Untad.
That classy achievement, apparently not as beautiful as Untad was
seen from behind the Soekarno Hatta highway fence. In some corners, the
campuses still found the buildings, shanty stalls that damaged the view. The
following are Kaili Post’s search results on a number of campuses and classy
buildings on the site of nearly 16 hectares of the largest university in
Indonesia (according to the pictures above).
What is said by Rector of Untad, Prof. DR Muhammad Basir Cyio MS
(18/09/2018) when confirmed by a number of slum buildings and shanties. Basir
said, Untad is now fighting for and improving accreditation. He asked Untad’s
extended family to work together to make improvements from all sides. Including
in terms of cleanliness, neatness and beauty of the campus. He also hopes that
the peaceful action of FISIP students can be whipped together to fix Untad.
‘’ The big family of Untad must work hand in hand to make
improvements to improve accreditation. But on the one hand there are still
students who cannot understand the long-term goals, “the Chancellor said.
Prof Basir explained that the demolition of buildings and stalls was only to
organize and beautify permanent buildings. The purpose was not to dismantle
create space, student discussion rooms and others. “We do not dismantle
the student secretariat that was built, but if there is something that students
build themselves without considering the aspects of beauty, neatness then that
is what we will arrange,” he said.
Meanwhile, according to one Law student, Ibe said he was familiar,
assessing the arrangement carried out by the university should be given
appreciation. Ibe admitted that the arrangement of each secretariat in each
faculty needed to be done for the sake of the Untad campus itself. ‘’
Organizing the campus should not be screened, the narrative becomes dismantling
the secretariat of the students’ friends. We put and choose the correct
diction. So that our campus is also better, beautiful and neat. I think all
students like the beautiful, ” he admitted with a joking tone.**

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