Reclamation Threatens Sombori Island Ecosystem

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Reporter/Morowali: bambang sumantri

NOWADAYS, in Morowali District, Central Sulawesi Province,
it is bloomed of beach reclamation by mining companies that have strong
allegations without permission, such as AMDAL, UPL / UKL, and others. The rise
of coastal reclamation of mining companies, especially in the Bungku Pesisir
District, Morowali District. Ironically, some mining industry companies that do
not have a smelter continue to carry out mining and reclamation activities to
produce special business docks (DUK).

This fact saddened the General Chairman of Sombori
Diving Club (SDC) Morowali, Kasmudin when passing in the village of Buleleng,
Bungku Pesisir District. He explained, the mangrove ecosystem that used to be
lush, dense and green, was now in ruins, the sea became red mud due to the
massive reclamation.

“We hope that as an environmental and
conservation observer institution, especially the coastal region, implore very
much, so that the Morowali Regency Government and the Provincial Government,
especially the Forestry, Mining, and Environment Agency immediately conduct a
review and investigation into the Bungku Pesisir, before the damage gets
worse,” Kasmudin said.

He also said that one of the dozens of functions
of the mangrove ecosystem, coral reefs, seagrass beds, which are an inseparable
entity, has the most important role, namely the detention of tsunami waves and
coastal abrasion, moreover, the damage radius has approached Morowali’s
mainstay tourism area, namely Sombori Island.

“If there is no immediate action taken by the
regional government, then Sombori will be left with a memory, the Morowali
Regional Government should provide a solution and strict action, at least
reforestation of deforested forests which primarily replace damage to coral
reefs and mangroves with locations not far from those activities. so that
citizens’ anxiety is no longer a social conflict and also minimizes continuous
pollution, “he explained.

Kasmudin revealed, his agency was ready to go down
if there was an afforestation action with related agencies to restore the
damaged natural ecosystems in the region. He explained the rules regarding
reclamation in the river and lake port areas can be seen in the Minister of
Transportation Regulation Number PM 52 of 2011 concerning Dredging and
Reclamation (Permenhub No. 52 of 2011) as last amended by the Minister of
Transportation Regulation Number PM 136 of 2015 concerning the Second Amendment
Ministerial regulation.**

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